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In Flamenco rhythms


30 March 2014


Everybody will agree that in each international  project Spanish topic is one of the most popular. We know everything about regional problems there, temperament of Spanish people, their accent in English and taste of tortilla.


But still all the time there is place for improvement. So David gave us perfect occasion to know more about this magic country and wrote us this:

“Pani Conchi (hereinafter referred to as "mom") sent her son (that's me) a package full of Spanish food.

Not all of them survived the first minutes in the office, but I still have some typical Spanish products to share.

To compensate the lack of food (already eaten), I plan to cook something more, with the purpose of showing my ineptitude in the kitchen.”


For this event and to support David we had special guests from Gdansk and Krakow! Volunteers arrived in the right moment and could visit the best Spanish party there.


Question about the place was decided with the help of Manuel and his good work in PKA. So for one evening this alternative place was reserved for Spanish rhythms.


What do I remember more? Drunk Crisitna, drunk Szymon and pillow fight with drunk Crisitna, special cocktail with lemon juice and white wine (that`s why I don’t remember too much), great fun and dancing flamenco.

After 2 days facebook event received new message:


“While Spanish music is still playing in our heads as an echo (and making more painful some hangovers), I wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to all of you for coming. I hope you enjoyed, at least, as much as I did.


Special thanks to Cristina, Joan Pau (aka Trzeci), Szymon and Ardiel for being such nice and professional Spanish cookers (Bednarska kitchen misses that environment already!).


Here you have the song played when all of us were dancing together. I saw some cameras but I don't know who had them. If someone has pictures, it would be so nice to see them!”

Vale and thank you David that we didn’t have bullfighting =)


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